Monday, May 26, 2008

Continued: All about me Voice of Irma Genevieve Wilson Harry As told in 1982

Ralph was the youngest of Even and Phoebe’s seven children, and his dad was the oldest of Chloe and John Alva Harry’s children, so Ralph grew up with a lot of cousins who were as old as his parents. Ralph’s father died when Ralph was only sixteen, and his mother died in 1946, but my parents were about twenty years younger than Ralph’s parents. I have two brothers and only one of them has a child, so our children don’t have many cousins their age. Our children didn’t have much time to spend with the Harry grandparents but they spent quite a bit of time with my parents.

         For the past twelve years I have lived in an apartment in Dick’s house so I see some of my grandchildren every day. We have eight grandchildren; six of them were born before Ralph died so he got to know them as little children. They are getting pretty big now. I know that he would be very proud of them all. Some times I feel like I live in Grand Central Station. In order to keep my privacy I keep the door between their house and my apartment closed and the children must knock before they enter.  Dick’s youngest son, Keith, who was two years old when we all  moved here, never did quite get that message so he comes in anytime he wants and just sits and talks with me. When he was little he would sneak in, hide behind the sofa, jump up and try to scare me. He thought that was really funny. I think Keith uses my apartment as a refuge because there are always so many people at Dick’s house.



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